Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Daddy's Day

So 5 years is the break I had decided to give myself from blogging (that was the best excuse I could come up with ;)) and what better day to start blogging again than today.. Daddy's Day. So this post is solely dedicated to the best Dad on the planet. My Dad! So here goes...

To some he is an idol, for some he is their pride,
To me, he is my friend, philosopher and guide.

Always so creative, his wit deserves praise,
His knowledge of everything never seizes to amaze.

His passion towards work knows no bound,
What an inspiration that is to have around.

He has always been there, always by my side,
When I needed him the most, as also otherwise.

A friend, a confidant, a partner in crime,
My ATM, my mentor, words aren’t enough to define.

We fight no doubt, otherwise it’s just absurd,
He always makes up, something that’s pretty unheard.

I love him so much, not often do I say,
What better moment could it be, than today.

He gave me my name, the best that I could have had,
I owe him much everything, he has been much more than a dad!

Happy Daddy’s Day!!